Rendezvous with the mighty Niagara

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The only vague memory of Niagara Falls is that of school, when a teacher told us in a Geography class about its magnificence. Never in my wildest dreams did I envision that one day not only would my eyes encounter the breathtaking beauty but also my fingertips would feel those droplets of water as they sprinkle on me…

To be truthful, the beauty of this cascade of water never struck me as we first drove along it. Yes, it was remarkable, no doubt. But it didn’t really strike me how beautiful this water body is till we reached the 48th floor of our hotel, which gave us a stunning view of the natural beauty that the Niagara is. To say I was captivated would be an understatement because as soon as I peeped out of the window, the only word my mouth uttered in reflex was – ‘Wow!’ – definitely with an exclamation. And that’s a lot more than captivated… I would call it entranced.
Me and the Niagara

When finally the time came for us to take a boat ride into the falls, my appreciation for this beautiful sight increased exponentially. As if to make me fall in love, it started raining… I wasn’t actually getting drenched considering we have to wear a poncho to get in, but even otherwise I wouldn’t mind because I was drenched more in the flow of amazement and wonder. As we went close, I realized what I saw from the hotel room was just a preview to a delightful natural wonder that I was going to witness.
A random moment...
You can see the mist behind

And then was the nighttime walk along the water body. I can’t be sure whether it was the rainbow lights that made the water glow or the natural grandeur of the night but this sight was an altogether different experience. With water rising like mist from the humongous falls, Niagara is definitely a sight one can never forget. Even from a far off distance, the sight cannot be missed and even as we left the place, though the waterfalls were far from visibility, the mist (wonder what that’s called) accompanied us for a distance on our way back.

But the trip to Niagara was just the cake and I should tell you the yummy icing was the journey we took to reach it. Living in Hyderabad, the actual meaning of the “fall” season doesn’t really connect with us. But this time it was different for me; I saw the myriad colours of this season. From red to yellow to pink… leaves of all colours. They radiated a warmth that still gives me a feel of relaxation.

Ahh… this trip I will cherish all my life. Wondering why? I got to appreciate nature at its best! And to those people who might be thinking that India has multitudinous such wonders, I should say I concur with you. However, I will add that while I am there work always beckons. But now I am on a holiday and this time in my life may never come again!

Pranita Jonnalagedda

Journalist and Cine Buff

I don't know why I always wanted to be a journalist. But today the title is fixed next to my name. I love writing about various things, especially movies - the world around which I revolve.


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